The Bible is the most fascinating book. Forty different penmen spanning centuries of time between their writings (words indeed inspired by God - 2 Timothy 3:16), and not one error or contradiction exists within its pages. The aim and goal of this podcast is to teach through that book, the Authorized King James Bible. Every word, chapter, line, precept, and verse: even the precise punctuation marks (jots and tittles - Matthew 5:18). We will not only examine each verse in the context of its chapter, but we will cross reference as many other passages as are necessary to provide commentary and contextual support for those verses of current study. Please, join me on this journey through God’s word in an effort to teach distinctly the word of God (Nehemiah 8:8).
This podcast and website is to encourage us (yes, me included) to study God's word. With that being said ...
I'm currently in the process of writing several books - something I've desired to accomplish since high school. The Lord has allowed and helped me with this endeavor thus far, and to date the first one is complete. It is a commentary on the Gospel John. My immediate goals are to complete commentaries on each of the four Gospels, and proceed elsewhere in scripture from there.
It is not my intent to profit from this book nor any of the others that God allows me to write. My goal and prayer is to simply send all monetary profits to various missionaries. Those missionaries will be selected at my discretion.
If you would like to have a physical copy of the book, please use the secure link above to purchase. You will be connected to a 3rd party book printing and distribution affiliate, IngramSpark, whom I'm associated with. The cost of the book is reduced from the current retail cost to cover Ingram's printing and compensations leaving $4 to be sent to missionaries around the world. A little bit of money that can go a long way on some mission fields.
If you cannot afford to purchase the book, but still desire to have a copy ... please simply email me (Contact Us) and request an electronic copy. I will happily reply by providing you with a pdf file.
The next book I'm hoping to finish is a commentary on the Gospel Mark.