The Bible is the most fascinating book. Forty different penmen spanning centuries of time between their writings (words indeed inspired by God - 2 Timothy 3:16), and not one error or contradiction exists within its pages. The aim and goal of this podcast is to teach through that book, the Authorized King James Bible. Every word, chapter, line, precept, and verse: even the precise punctuation marks (jots and tittles - Matthew 5:18). We will not only examine each verse in the context of its chapter, but we will cross reference as many other passages as are necessary to provide commentary and contextual support for those verses of current study. Please, join me on this journey through God’s word in an effort to teach distinctly the word of God (Nehemiah 8:8).
Our current Bible book study and ongoing episodes beginning with Episode 0036.
This page provides helpful insights, classroom handouts, and visual aids used throughout various episodes.